Custom: This configuration setup is great for projects that already have Wagmi integrated or that would like to have more control over the Wagmi configuration. Once Wagmi is integrated in your project you will need to add showQrModal: false to the WalletConnect connector and call createWeb3Modal with its required parameters.createWeb3Modal with its required parameters.
Custom: This configuration setup is great for projects that already have Wagmi integrated or that would like to have more control over the Wagmi configuration. Once Wagmi is integrated in your project you will need to add showQrModal: false to the WalletConnect connector and call createWeb3Modal with its required parameters.createWeb3Modal with its required parameters.
Custom: This configuration setup is great for projects that already have Wagmi integrated or that would like to have more control over the Wagmi configuration. Once Wagmi is integrated in your project you will need to add showQrModal: false to the WalletConnect connector and call createWeb3Modal with its required parameters.
Custom: This configuration setup is great for projects that already have Wagmi integrated or that would like to have more control over the Wagmi configuration. Once Wagmi is integrated in your project you will need to add showQrModal: false to the WalletConnect connector and call createWeb3Modal with its required parameters.