Updated 71 days ago

Test BUIDL Form Changed01

Test BUIDL Form Change

  • Crypto / Web3
  • BNB Chain
  • dydx
  • Dora Factory
  • DAO / Community
  • PolygonOne

Aptos Grant Dao

2022/10/13 → 2024/09/20

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Members 1

Our platform enables businesses to create funded surveys

incentivizing users to participate by offering financial rewards and engaging experiences. We prioritize data privacy and security, empowering users to own and authorize their data through our innovative data wallet, Cubby. With strategic partnerships and grants from leading blockchain projects like NEAR, Filecoin, Octopus Network, Polkadot, and Biconomy.

QSTN is positioned for success in the Web3 ecosystem.

We have demonstrated exceptional achievements in hackathons and accelerators, including winning the prestigious Star Prize at the Octopus Network accelerator. Through our journey, we have attracted notable investors, recently securing a pre-seed round with Outlier Ventures. Our vision is to redefine data collection, creating a frictionless onboarding process from Web2 to Web3 while preserving user privacy and fostering valuable connections between businesses and their audience.